Snippets and Stories…

13 Apr

I’ve been wanting to share a couple of stories coming out of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), but life has been crazy these past few weeks, and I am only just beginning to come up for air!  Who knew having 3 kids under the age of 3 could be so exhausting!!!

I do not think there are words to accurately describe the depth of emotion, the outpouring of love and support, and the sense of community and camaraderie that we feel on a daily basis from our family and friends, but that was especially felt this year on World Down Syndrome Day.  I could write a novel (albeit most likely not a best-seller, with my writing ability!!) and still not capture what I desire, so instead, I will let some of these pictures speak for themselves:


My nephew Jonah (grade 2), also giving a presentation about WDSD and Jake in his class. Both these guys did an amazing job, and I was so proud of them!


My nephew Elijah (grade 4), giving a presentation in his class about WDSD and about Jake. He was teaching his peers about respect and love, and he was amazing! (and all his classmates LOVED meeting Jake!)


My sister and her family, dressed in blue and yellow, celebrating with us!


Curtis’ sister Shannon and her family:) My nephew Charlie (Kindergarten) also did a presentation in his class about WDSD and about how much he loves Jake. I couldn’t go and see him, but I heard his speech, and it rocked:) So proud of these guys for learning at such an early age how to be advocates!


As I said earlier, I could go on and on about how much we appreciate our friends and family, who love us unconditionally and go above and beyond to show us their unending love and support.  But as it is, I will leave it at this: THANK YOU so much for all you do for us.  It does not go unnoticed, and it is a huge blessing to our family.

Changing gears a little, I also wanted to show some snippets of our life in the past couple of weeks.  So, once again, I will let the pictures do the talking!


Our precious new babe, Noah:)




A glimpse of things to come, when it is warm and we can do this every day:)


Thank goodness for rain boots!!


The hazards of springtime at the park! How can you tell we live in Canada??!!


The first semi-warm day we’ve had this year! So we had to go to the park:)

Happy Sunday to you all:)

1 Comment

Posted by on April 13, 2014 in Uncategorized


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One response to “Snippets and Stories…

  1. Kathy L

    April 13, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    Great post!!! So happy to hear you felt the love and support!!!


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