About Me…

My name is Karyn, and I live in Calgary, Canada, with my wonderful family.  My husband, Curtis, and I are the proud parents of four amazing little boys!  Our oldest son, Jake, is 5 years old.  Our second son, Cole, is 4 years old.  Our third little guy, Noah, just turned 3, and the babe of our family is our fourth son Leo, who is newly 1 year old!  With four very young boys, our lives are crazy busy, full of chaos, often stressful, but most often just plain amazing.  I love my family to pieces, and am learning day-by-day how to do that better.

When Curtis and I got married in 2010, we expressed to each other how excited we were to create an epic story together.  We both desired to not just live, but to live an epic life, full of adventure, enjoyment, and fulfillment.  Little did we know what that would begin to look like just a few short months later.  We are pretty excited to see where our journey will take us, and would love for you to come along for the ride!

The birth of our son Jake was the first major contribution to the creation of our story.  Our precious little boy was diagnosed with Down syndrome a couple of days after birth, and although we initially reeled at the news, we cannot imagine our lives any other way.  The next few years has brought the birth of three more sons, each contributing in their own unique way to our family story:)  As we watch our story continue to unfold, we feel blessed.  This blog, although it may morph into something more, is intended to share the day-to-day moments of our lives, the sum of which will make up our epic story.

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3 responses to “About Me…

  1. Elias Munshya wa Munshya

    June 24, 2013 at 1:00 pm


  2. Author, Jack Barr & The Book Failing At Fatherhood

    December 31, 2014 at 10:46 am

    Very touching story. Now following your blog. My 3 1/2 year old daughter Marley was diagnosed at 3 days old. I wrote my story about how I reacted and it just won a Mom’s Choice Award Adult Book, Failing At Fatherhood, A book for the imperfect father. I hope you get a chance to visit my new blog. I’m working on my very first post now 🙂

    Author, Jack Barr,

  3. Jayne McLeod (Canada)

    October 8, 2015 at 7:42 am

    Karyn…I just read you Oct 8th entry…”I had a feeling” and well, I believe you were right my dear girl…you were not crazy, your heart was being prepared to LOvE. A Mothers love…and you will be blessed. Thank you so much for sharing your heart in words. I LOvE following along with your wee family enjoying daily life. Praying for you all. EPIC in deed !! Enjoy the SONshine ! Jayne


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